Living among the clouds for so long has given the <Fairies> intimate knowledge of electricity, allowing the fairies to quickly produce Energy. Using this massive stockpile of Energy gives these crafty sprites access to cards and abilities that would simply be too expensive for anyone else. All of the fairies within the kingdom’s walls are extremely loyal to the Princess and they are willing to bow before her at any time. You see, many card effects require you to rest one or more of your Units. Don’t worry, you have a kind princess on your side who will gladly lend her strength to her subjects to help them stand back up and fight!

Even being [Seal]ed away for 100 years can’t quell the flames of rebellion! The <Sealed Fairies> are just that, [Seal]ed. This [Seal] keyword prevents them from attacking. However, with enough willpower(and some well timed spells) the crazed cultists can break out of their [Seal] to rain down terror! The vast majority of sealed fairies are immeasurably powerful, so make sure you combine them with ways to remove their shackles. Once these savage sylphs get released, your opponent’s whole world will come to an end!