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The <Mantis> queen believes herself to be the one single greatest being on the entirety of Ceres. As such no one and nothing else matters to her on her quest of power. Even her own subjects are nothing more than disposable resources to her. The <Mantis> archetype focuses on bringing out hordes of cheap units only to kill them off to summon  merciless monsters or cast cannibalistic spells. In addition, many <Insect> units have special [Death] effects that activate when they are killed off by their queen! Combo your cards together to produce explosive results!

Rain Belt: Projects


Beautiful busy <Bees> buzz around the bountiful Rain Belt building colossal colonies and <Hives>. Unlike their barbaric <Mantis> cousins, the <Bees> are highly advanced in technology and construction. In most of these Bee collectives, the Princesses are the ones calling the shots, due to the fact that the Queen has to spend most of her time having children. A certain Princess by the name of Rosella, leads a particularly prosperous Hive. Rosella’s hive is filled with talented Workers and Scientists, resulting in highly advanced defensive structures. Thanks to the automated defenses on the Hive, the Bees themselves rarely see actual combat! Each <Hive> construct is built by using a “Worker Bee”. At the end of every turn, the Skills of these constructs activate! Cannons can clean up the enemy Front Row or deal damage to the Leader, Hive Walls can prevent enemy Units from attacking the Princess, and Honey Factories can heal the Princess’s precious citizens! While Battling alongside the Bees, feel free to take it easy and let your automated <Hive> do the talking!

Rain Belt: Projects

©2018 Rhydon Vassay

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