The young Warlocks of the Academy are eager to try out any and all new magic. Many of the Students of the Academy gain bonuses whenever you cast a spell! However, not even the residents of the Academy are safe from the brutal world of dinosaurs. As Warlocks, many spells require a sacrifice of blood (or in this case Drop Zone cards) in order to be cast. Of course the best way to increase your drop is to destroy your happy little freshmen. Don’t be afraid to sacrifice for the greater good!

The Talon Mafia is straightforward, brutal, and unforgiving. The gangsters of the Elder Territories enjoy throwing the expendable <Biker> gangs straight into the enemy just to see how much damage they can do. The executives of <Talon> aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty either. By giving their underlings [Rush], extra Crit, or just by filling the field with disposable recruits, the executives provide countless ways to crush your foes. No one and nothing will get in The Talons’ way!